Referoo collaborates with Digital iD™ by Australia Post to provide instant, secure background ID

05 May 2021 by Referoo
The battle to ensure your reference checks are legitimate has been around for a long time. In the past, phone references were the primary go-to method. However, when you speak to someone on the phone about a candidate, how sure can you be that the person on the other end is who they say they are?
We’ve all heard stories about people asking friends and family to give references for them. And at Referoo, we have no doubt that they did.
As we moved into the digital age and reference checks went online, we’ve found new ways to verify referees. For example, Referoo employs a range of IP and other proprietary technology that helps us identify fraudulent referees. And we’ve become very good at it, much to our client’s delight.
But like most things in life, it still has its limits.
That’s why Referoo is collaborating with Digital iD™ by Australia Post to make digital IDs even more secure. Using Referoo with Digital iD™ means that you can now do real-time identity checks on your referees to guarantee that the reference is genuine.
With this integration, you can check a variety of Australian identity documents, asking referees to verify their information and linking this to a candidate report in Referoo. You can even check the identity details of New Zealand passports and people working in Australia with Visas.
You might ask whether this is really necessary for a reference check. And for some roles, it’s a legitimate question: Do you need to go to that level?
For many roles, however, it is crucial. Think about roles requiring background checks where hiring an unqualified or inexperienced person can have serious outcomes. In industries like health care, aged care, childcare, and finance, you need to ensure the referee is giving a qualified reference on your candidate.
For many roles, however, it is crucial. Think about roles requiring background checks where hiring a person who is willing to fake their references could lead to much more serious and potentially damaging issues down the line. In industries like health care, aged care, childcare, and finance, you need to ensure the referee is who they say they are and a can provide a genuine reference.
And now with Referoo, you can!
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