Free the people: Three tips to free up recruiters' time

It was always a pet hate of mine from my time working in recruitment: Tasks that took me away from face time with my clients and candidates. Your recruiters should be spending more time doing what your clients pay for: Spending more resources on gaining a better understanding of both the client’s and candidate’s value propositions.
Recruitment also shares a commonality with what we see in a lot of industries: Bogging their team down in admin. It’s different across firms but it is something we still see across the industry. There are so many ways that you can free up your team’s time for more productive activities, especially using technology. At Referoo, that’s why we exist: To automate the reference checking process so that it saves you time and money.
There is always a better way than just throwing more people at a problem, so here’s my top three time-wasting processes that you can automate, enabling your revenue generators to spend more time earning!
Tip one: Automate anything sourcing related
Sourcing the right candidates is a constant struggle for most firms and recruiters spend an enormous amount of time focusing on it. A lot of that time is in reality wasted as there’s a better way to do it.
Take matching candidates and roles. If you have candidates coming in from multiple sources it’ll end up being an avalanche and, to be honest, it’s hugely time intensive, even if you’re using support resources to do the legwork.
There are plenty of tools out there like Daxtra that can help you automate this and apply AI tools to ensure you pick the right candidates from the pool that you have. It also helps to remove issues like bias, which we’re all prone to.
Tip Two: Stop formatting resumes
My second tip is an old bugbear of mine: Formatting resumes. While it would be nice if candidates all used one template, in reality you get some brilliant ones and some absolute shockers. Recruiters can spend hours wasting time looking at a CV and trying to format it for a client., As in tip one, it’s something that you might utilise other resources in your team for but it’s still time consuming.
A new tool in the market that I really like is a resume formatting tool for recruiters called It’s really simple to use and comes with a ton of built in intelligence to help you speed up the process and give you a better result.
Tip Three: Go beyond Zoom for video screening
While face-to-face meetings are still my preferred way of talking to clients, most of us during the COVID period have had to embrace video calls. While they have some advantages, they can still be an issue e.g. don’t you hate it when someone has a shocking Internet connection!
Why not make it easier for your team? Alcami is a tool designed to help make video simple and gives recruiters tools to add in pre-recorded content to your videos. It can be a really helpful pre-interview screening tool, where a candidate provides video responses to pre-recorded questions.
There are plenty of ways to make it work
There are so many tools available today to help recruiters; I realistically could have come up with 20 tips! There are so many ways that technology and automation can help to save time and speed up the process without sacrificing the quality of work or the experience for both your clients and candidates.
For my recruitment connections, what are your most annoying tasks that you wish you could automate? Email me at